Orange County Beekeepers |
All information found on this website and page is provided as a resource only. The OCBA does not endorse or vouch for the quality of any of the products or services listed here and cannot be held liable or responsible for transactions with the named companies or organizations.
Resources Live Bee Removal Companies
BEEKEEPING SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT Los Angeles Honey Co. 1(323) 264-2383 Orange County Beekeeping Supplies Pierco Genuine Beekeeping Supplies
Orange County Beekeeping Supplies Pierco Genuine Beekeeping Supplies
Updated City Ordinances City of Santa Ana Bee Ordinance | Links Pollinator App: Check out this awesome new app that thePollinator Partnership made. It can tell you exactly what to plant to attract specific pollinators, in each region, season, color, type of plant and more! Project Apis m. has become a cornerstone in funding and organizing research efforts for the beekeeping industry. They have infused over $1 million into research to date. Check out their website to see all they have to offer, or see their YouTube video to learn more about them. The Pollinator Partnership’s mission is to promote the health of pollinators, critical to food and ecosystems, through conservation, education, and research. Signature initiatives include the NAPPC (North American Pollinator Protection Campaign), National Pollinator Week, and the Ecoregional Planting Guides. NAPPC is the most important project managed by the Pollinator Partnership. It works in coordination with existing local, national, and international pollinator protection plans that focus on individual species, genera, families, or classes of animals. |